EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 March
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 35 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-03].iso
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201 lines
TracknamesWindow for Octamed 1.03c!
Current version 0.41b.
Made by Kjetil S. Matheussen 1999.
(sort of important stuff too, I guess)
This is a small configurable window that displays the track-names, the
keyboardoctave, the current track, on/off status of the visible
tracks, volume of the current instrument, midichannel/samplelength of
the current instrument, and the name of the current instrument. I personally have now
replaced the maincontrol-window with this window in my octamed, and have
earned quite some screenspace just on that.
You specify the track-names with the included plug-in named
"tnwcontrol". Press a shortcut-key, and a menu will be visible.
The alternatives should be self-explaining. If you just want
to set the new name of the track, simply just write the new name,
and press return.
The tracknames are saved into the annotation-text,
so you don't need two seperate files for each song.
Installation of the window. You should start the window-plug-in by putting
the following line into your "rexx:om_startup.omed"-file. If you don't
have such a file, just copy the included "om_startup.omed"-file in this
package into your rexx: path. Yes, the line is:
ADDRESS COMMAND "run >NIL: nsm:tracknameswindow"
...And this may be all you have to do. But the window can look uglier than
ugly. So then you can either try a different font for the editor, or try
to experiment with the following arguments that can be sent along with the
Here they are: (All argument are optional)
-stoptaskprior [n] - n = Is the priority of the task while not playing. Is set
to 8 by default.
-playtaskprior [n] - n = Is the priority of the task while playing. Is set to
-20 by default.
-ypos [n] - n = the Y coordinate the window will start at. F. ex: 10.
This is actually an argument you most probably want
to set. I have hardcoded it to 10, because that
fits my look. But it may not fit your look.
-editorfontname [n] - n = the name of the editorfont. F.ex: Topaz.font. Should
not be necesarry to spesify, since the plug-in peeks
into the memory and find the font octamed is using
for the editor. But I have had some problems with
that routine...
Just forget this argument if the track-seperator-lines
in the tracknameswindow are placed in the middle
between each track in the editor.
-editorfontsize [n] - n = size of the editorfont. F. ex: 8. If you specify the
editorfontname, you *must* allso spesify its size,
und viseversa.
-windowheight [n] - n = the height of the tracknameswindow. F. ex: 30.
-topmarkcursorpos [n] - n = The top relative Y coordinate of where the top-line
marker will be placed. (the cursor)
-botmarkcursorpos [n] - n = The bottom relative Y coordinate of where the bop-line
marker will be placed. (the cursor)
-fontpos [n] - n = The Y coordinate of where the text in the tracknames-
window will be placed.
-whitelinetop [n] - n = The top Y coordinate of where the white lines will
start. "White lines" means the vertical lines that seperate
your tracks.
-whitelinebot [n] - n = The bottom Y coordinat of where the white lines will
Ok. If you didn't quite catch what all this arguments did, just try them out one
at a time, and you'll see what happens. It's the 6 last ones that are important for the
look of your window. (Important to set, so that it doesn't look awful.).
Changes from 0.41 to 0.41b:
-The "Insert track(s) in current block"-function in the tnwcontrol-
program didn't work. Fixed.
Changes from 0.40 to 0.41:
-Fixed some bugs.
-Added a tracknamebuffer.
-Some small speed-improvements.
-Added the plug-ins copytrack,cuttrack and pastetrack.
Changes from 0.30 to 0.40:
-Added a lot of new features. F.ex different tracknames for each block.
-Fixed a lot of bugs. F.ex that the requester-window opened at the workbench-screen
instead of the octamed-screen if you hadn't installed some kind of con-handler that
prevents a con-window from doing this.
-Doesn't need to use the update plug-in anymore. (its not a part of the package
anymore either.)
1. Octamed Soundstudio 1.03c, patched with the octapatch-program in the
2. Nsm-port program started. Found in the nsm-package.
3. That you have the file named "plainnames" in a path called "nsm:"
before starting the tracknameswindow. If not, octamed will probably
crash, or something. (This is hardcoded, you *must* have the file
"nsm:plainnames". And if its not of the right type, you can crash octamed.)
The plainnames-file is in this package, and should be copied automaticly
to nsm: if NSM is installed correct.
1. Install NSM V0.70 or higher.
2. Unpack the tracknameswindow archive into the plug-in directory of nsm.
3. If your user-startup file doesn't copy all your plug-ins into your nsm:
path automaticly, you must do point 3 in the REQUIREMENTS.
4. Put the following line into your "rexx:om_startup.omed"-file:
ADDRESS COMMAND "run >NIL: nsm:tracknameswindow" (plus various arguments)
If you don't have an om_startup.omed-file in your rexx-path, just copy
the one in this archive into your rexx-path. "rexx:om_startup.omed" are
an arexx-script that is executed automaticly by octamed on every startup.
5. Set the argument "ypos <n>" to an apropriate value. This is the Y-position
of your window on the screen. 0 is in the top of your screen.
6. If window look ugly, read "THE BAD THINGS".
7. Well, I think that was all.
1. Use the plug-in named "tnwcontrol" to set the name of the tracks, and
other things.
2. Use the plug-in named "quittracknameswindow" to quit the window. Beware
that you'll have to quit the window before you can exit octamed. If you try
to exit octamed before you run the "quittracknameswindow"-plug in, you may
run into some trouble, yes. Read source-file for more info.
Yes, probably a lot! But this to are the only one I know of:
1. When you have 64 tracks in a block,
and try to move the cursor to track no 63. What a race! I have no idea why
this happens. I have disassembled and gone thru the code quite many times,
but just can't find out why this happens. (It only happens if you use 64 tracks).
2. The isplaying-function doesn't allways work,
so the tracknameswindow does sometimes have the nonplaying-priority when playing,
and sometimes playing-priority when not playing. This is a quite serious bug,
but I will fix it in the beginning of 99. Should be quite easy to fix.
3. The keyboard-octave doesn't allways work, but thats because of a bug in octamed.
1. There are no text in the tracknames-window.
-Change the editor-font. Your font does probably not excist, so just
set it to a spesific font. (topaz8 is probably what you are using then.)
2. Nothing work!
-Have you read the USAGE and INSTALLATION chapters? If you have, mail me
your configuration, and I will answer you.
3. The tracknameswindow doesn't show right midi-channel/samplelength.
-Open the maincontrol-window. If it is allready open, close it and open
it again.
4. The keyboard-octave doesn't cycle when pressing F1 or F5.
-Open the maincontrol-window. This seems to be a bug in octamed, not
in tracknameswindow.
And, read the BUGS-section.
1. A cople of more arguments to improve the graphical display.
2. Fix the program so that the graphical display is perfect at startup whatever
font you are using. (_lot_ of work)
3. Write a better manual.
4. Make a handshakefunction. (or something.)
And again, feel free to do this things if you wants to. Just contact me to
know if there are someone else who is allready working on it.
Teijo Kinnunen for making such a wonderful program that can be built
out to do everything! (If you had released the source too, everyting
would be perfect. :)
Kjetil S. Matheussen
5423 Sogn Studentby
0858 Oslo
e-mail: kjetilma@ifi.uio.no
nsm-homepage: http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~kjetilma/nsm/
octamed-homepage: http://www.octamed.co.uk/